Monday, December 1, 2008

Sabores sin Fronteras

On the 19th and 20th of November, I attended a planning session and Borderlands Foodways Symposium at the Rex Ranch in Amado. What a treat. Many of the people making up the food community in Tucson were there, and it was a great chance to met and talk with them.

Dr.'s Gary Nabhan and Maribel Alvarez of the Southwest Center at the U of A organized the event, and there was a turnout of about fifty for the planning session, and another fifty or so for the symposium.

Among the presenters were Meredith Abarca (Voices in the Kitchen), Linda Berzok (American Indian Food), Big Jim Griffith (unavoidable face here, founder of Tucson Meet Yourself), cookbook authors Cheryl and Bill Jamieson, poet Rita Magdaleno, who started the symposium with a reading of poems about Southwest food, Carolyn Neithammer, (American Indian Cooking, The Prickly Pear Cookbook), David Yetman, host of The Desert Speaks, and Janos Wilder, well known chef and author.

A good time by all, and some wonderful food and entertainment as well. More later.